Dr. MaryAnne Hembroff, ND

Passionate About Supporting Your Healing Journey with Compassion, Empowerment, and Personalized Care

About Dr. MaryAnne


I love working with a diverse clientele, and after 20 years of clinical experience, I would say my favourite areas of focus are mental-emotional health, all things hormone (menopause, PMS, heavy periods.), and digestive issues (IBS, food sensitivities, constipation). 

I love listening to everyones’ story, digging into the details of the biochemistry and then stepping back and seeing how it all fits together. Taking the time to really hear my client reveals so much about where the root of the issue lies, and how best to treat it. We have so many tools to use as ND’s, and the art of practice lies in picking the best approach for each person. 

My goal as a practitioner is to practice “holding space” for my clients; the ability to walk alongside someone in their journey and offer unconditional support, letting go of judgment and control. I am here to guide and support.

It’s extremely empowering to be working with such an incredible integrative health care team at Nature Doctors, to ensure the highest quality of individualized health care.  


*Currently accepting referrals only. Please contact the clinic for recommendations on similar practitioners.

Clinical Focus

Mental-Emotional Health

anxiety - stress - burnout - overwhelm

Digestive Issues

IBS - food sensitivities - constipation

Hormonal Health

perimenopause - menopause - PMS - heavy periods


Dr. MaryAnne Hembroff, B.Sc., ND obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the University of Winnipeg in 1999. Upon graduating, she completed a four-year program in Naturopathic Medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, Ontario. She has completed advanced training in functional medicine and homeopathy. MaryAnne has also completed training and been an instructor of Bowen Therapy (Muscle Release Technique), as well as Mindfulness based Counselling. She is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in good standing with the Manitoba Naturopathic Association (MNA), a professional member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).