Effective Lyme Disease Treatment
Personalized Care for Healing and Recovery
When it comes to Lyme Disease
More Tools = Better Outcomes
A complete treatment program will consist of multiple interventions.

Diet, Herbs, Nutraceuticals & more
Diet is a crucial yet frequently overlooked aspect of managing Lyme disease. It is essential for Lyme patients to adhere to strict dietary guidelines to effectively combat the infection. Consuming foods that bolster the immune system and eliminating those that may feed the infection can lead to better outcomes and reduce side effects from antibiotics.
Herbs / Nutraceuticals
There are over 50 different medicines that have been show to be effective with Lyme and co-infections. Your Naturopathic Doctor will pick combinations that suite your specific case, to ensure you are breaking biofilms or cysts and killing bacteria at the right times. These might include:
Killing / Antimicrobial
Cyst Busters
Biofilm degraders
Immune Stimulants
Gut Supportive
Detox / Liver and Kidney Support
During infection, the body naturally raises its core temperature to enhance immune system responses and slow the growth of infections. Hyperthermia supports this process, and specific antimicrobial temperatures can be achieved using saunas. However, this approach is not safe for everyone. You should discuss options and whether you are a suitable candidate for this treatment with your ND.
Intravenous (IV) Treatments
Strong & Effective
IV therapies can have an antimicrobial effects as well as an immune stimulating effect.
Frequency: 1-5 per week (avg. 1 hour per treatment)

Injection Therapies*
Treat & Manage Symptoms
There are 2 types of injection therapies available:
1. Immune Stimulating & Anti-microbial
2. Neuro -protective & Anti-inflammatory
Your ND will discuss options with you and help you to decide.
*These can be dosed orally in Canada but have traditionally been used as injection therapies.
Coordinated Care
Antibiotics are the first line intervention for the treatment of Lyme Disease and Co-infections. Your ND will collaborate with your Medical Doctor (MD), +Nurse Practitioner (NP), specialist, or an out-of-province MD/ND to ensure you receive the appropriate medication for the correct duration.
If local cooperation is not possible, you will be referred out of province to see a Lyme specialist for the prescription meds only.
Duration of treatment can range from 2 weeks to over a year, depending on the severity, chronicity and number of infections.
While Naturopathic Doctors do not have prescribing rights in the province of Manitoba, they are trained in the use of antibiotics and can advise your MD on which antibiotics would be effective for your case.
Prescribing guidelines by the worlds leading Lyme Doctor Association.

Massage Therapy & Acupuncture
Supportive Care
Acupuncture and massage therapy can alleviate symptoms, relax the mind, and help break up biofilms. These treatments may accelerate recovery, break down tissue adhesion, and expose hidden infections to the immune system.
This often explains why Lyme patients experience temporary relief from physical therapies followed by a quick worsening of symptoms. Comprehensive support is essential; otherwise, seeking physical therapies alone can potentially worsen the condition.
Mind-Body Connection
Guidance & Inspiration
The challenges of chronic disease can lead to feelings of sadness, anger, or intense grief.
At Nature Doctors, we believe in treating the whole person, which includes the mind, body, and spirit. Whether through yoga, meditation, prayer, or mindful walks in the woods, it's essential to connect with yourself on a deeper level. Numerous studies have demonstrated the profound effects of meditation and mindful living on overall health.
We are here to support you.
Dr. Jason Bachewich, ND
Dr. Hayley Warren, ND