Dr. Janice Fyfe, ND


Naturopathic Doctor Janice Fyfe practices at Nature Doctors in Winnipeg

About Dr. Janice


I strongly believe in the importance of patients understanding their condition and therapeutic options;  actively participating in their own care is imperative for improvement.

I am dedicated to helping my patients achieve their health goals and believe that collaborative care is the most effective and efficient way to achieve and maintain wellness.  I recognize the profound impact of a positive relationship between patients and their health care provider and emphasize the significance of thoroughly listening to a patient’s concerns. My focus lies in working with women to enhance their energy levels, hormonal balance, address headaches, manage pain, and improve metabolic, digestive and cardiovascular health. I place nutrition and lifestyle at the core of health, acknowledging the remarkable adaptability of the human body.  

My approach revolves around providing essential building blocks and removing obstacles to enhance overall functionality. I believe in the importance of patients understanding their condition and therapeutic options;  actively participating in their own care is imperative for improvement.


Clinical Focus

Women’s Health

hormones - PMS - fertility

Digestive Issues

SIBO - IBD - food sensitivities

Chronic Issues

weight concerns - fatigue - migraines


Dr. Janice Fyfe-Graydon, ND is a licensed Naturopathic doctor with the Manitoba Naturopathic Association (MNA) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).  She obtained her degree in Naturopathic Medicine at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto after receiving her Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Manitoba Asper school of Business. During her time in Toronto she also studied for two years and graduated from the International Breastfeeding centre training alongside Dr. Jack Newman and his team. During her naturopathic internship she worked at the Brampton civic hospital seeing a wide variety of conditions, at the Sherbourne health clinic working specifically with the LGBTTIQ community, and at the Robert Schad Naturopathic clinic where she trained with Dr. Jill Shainhouse ND FABNO on the adjunctive cancer shift working primarily with breast and ovarian cancer patients. During her internship at the International Breastfeeding Centre she worked with mothers and their infants to resolve issues including sore and damaged nipples, slow weight gain, not yet latching, refusing the breast, fussiness, burning and shooting breast pain, introduction of solids, inducing lactation for adoption or gestational carrier situations, and increasing the efficiency of feedings.